Christmas Card T-20

This year I’ve decided to mail out Christmas cards. I actually made most of these back in July, because I’m an extreme planner like that. But they turned out pretty cute and I’d like to share them with you. So here’s a countdown to Christmas, in cards.

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Rainy Day

I decided to make a rainy day craft this afternoon. However I’m not the best at remembering to take a before picture.


I painted half the frame and then remembered about the picture. So basically I had this green framed garlic picture. The previous owners of the little house left it, and its been sitting in a corner ever since. So I decided to paint it with some $1 mistint paint and use my Cricut to put a prettier picture inside it. I also got to use my new sticker maker to place the numbers, which worked so well!



I’m so excited to start decorating the new house and I think this picture will be a great addition!

Pretty as a Picture

The first scrapbook I made was of our wedding. I’m proud of it because

1. I’d never done anything like that before. I was scared to start, in case I ruined something. But during the phase of unemployment I had a lot of time to go slowly and find a rhythm to my own creativity.

2. I didn’t have a lot of stuff! I didn’t own a lot of scrapbooking supplies, in fact I’d never bought anything. It was all given to me from my grandmother. But I managed to take apart wedding cards and leftover flowers from bouquets and make something that I think turned out really nice.

Love 2

Luckiest Crafter

J has made me the ultimate crafting desk! It’s huge and wonderful and I love it!


And look at how quickly I filled it up!

I’m incredibly exciting to get back to crafting. This weekend so far I’ve worked on Christmas cards, wrapped all J’s birthday presents, sewed a broken strap back together and started my newest scrapbooking album.



The 2nd book of “Adventures” which will have all our trips starting in August of last year.