
I have seriously been crochet-mania recently. I found some adorable free patterns online and can’t stop making them!

This first one actually doesn’t have a pattern. My mom bought this beautiful headband on one of her travels and helped me duplicate it. Mine’s a little larger than the original, but I feel pretty proud of this first attempt.

HeadBand with Flower


This weekend I worked in Nashville, and on the drive I made a tiger and cow hat.

Tiger Hat


Free pattern found here

Front of Cow Hat

Back of Cow Hat

Free pattern found here

Repeat Crafter Me is so cool,  want to make all the things!


Canning Ring Pumpkin

I love fall and harvest time!

My mom and I had seen these canning ring pumpkins at an antique store and just knew we could make them. I think it turned out even cuter than any other ones I’ve seen!

Canning Ring Pumpkin

Family Weekend

This last weekend my parents were in town to help me celebrate my birthday. I really cherish the trips that they take down to see me since we don’t get very many weekends together. Here is a glimpse of last years trip

A Weekend with Family 2013

July-Sept Update

I realized I haven’t written much about what J and I have been doing since June. I think I can sum up much of what we’ve done in one word… relaxed. Maybe it doesn’t seem like it since we’ve still been traveling around working, but overall, we’ve done a lot of relaxing.

In July we spent a week in North Carolina, and although it was for work, it was laid back and we ended up at the beach one day. In August we went to Arkansas for vacation, and it’s one of the most relaxing trips I can remember ever having. We rode bikes, did some antique shopping, and grilled out at our cabin. September I went to Washington and… did more relaxing!

In those three months we’ve had some visitors; a friend from New York and my family. Both times we didn’t rush around to do anything, just enjoyed the company and relaxed.

I guess it doesn’t sound very exciting, but J and I are feeling pretty peaceful right now, and we’ll continue to enjoy it because I’m sure soon we’ll get thrown back into something frantic.